
Rapper Romeo Miller has announced the launch of a new record label and several new projects, now that his stint as a guard on the University of Southern California’s basketball team has ended.

Romeo, who was recently named one of the Top 10 Sexiest Men Alive by Internet website sexiestmanliving.com, is currently refocusing his career away from basketball and back to music.

“I am featured on the College Boys album which is titled Spring Break, which is dropping March 9, 2010,” Romeo revealed to AllHipHop. “Hip-Hop is my passion and my life.”

Romeo is also returning to the studio to release a new album titled Box Office Hits, which is slated to hit stores in August of 2010 on his new label, Next Generation Records.

Romeo, son of mogul Percy Miller (p/k/a Master P), was recently removed from the roster of the USC for a previous infraction, although he remained tightlipped about the incident.

“I’m sad that my basketball season at USC will end early due to a violation from an incident that happened two years ago, which is not fair,” Romeo stated. “But I’m also happy about the new opportunity I recently received to play in this big blockbuster movie. I can’t talk about it but I can tell you that I won’t be a vampire.”

In late Summer, Romeo will launch a tour in Europe to promote his new album Box Office Hits, before returning home to complete a leg in the United States.

“I love all my fans for waiting patiently as I finish my education,” Romeo told AllHipHop “…I am in the best physical shape in my life and I am ready to lead Hip-Hop into the next millennium.”