With two new Grammy nominations under her belt, Monica is already hard at work on her next album. The R&B songstress provided Rap-Up  with an update on the project and when fans can expect to hear new music.

Monica has been logging studio time with her cousin Polow Da Don, creating the follow-up to this year’s Still Standing.

“I’ve only worked with Polow so far, but I try to get with one or two producers and pretty much create the meat, and then you pretty much get the rest of it done around the center of the album,” she explained.

While an album title has yet to be determined, she’s mapped out a recording schedule. “I really want to come up with the album title very soon, so that it will have direction like Still Standing did,” she said.

“I hope to at least have the title in January and a single in maybe March and an album in maybe July. It would have to be something pretty drastic to take me off my path. But if nothing changes, that’s the plan.”