All I can say is WTF are his parents thinking? He shouldn’t be that good at smoking at 2 years old. SMH!

A lot of people are shocked upon knowing a 2-year old baby smokes cigarette. This is very evident as a lot of people are searching for “2 year old smoking cigarette” in the internet.  Well, who won’t be shocked by that news? I mean we all know that smoking is dangerous to health. Smokers are usually influenced by peer pressures from friends that’s why they smoke. But how come a 2 year old baby learned how to smoke cigarette?

This news about 2-year old smoking cigarette may not be new to you since the pictures have been circulating in Facebook for quite sometime now. However, if you really want more information about this smoking baby, his name is Ardi Rizal and he is from Indonesia. I really cannot understand why the parents of this child allow the smoking habit of their child.

According to them, ‘Ardi Rizal is totally addicted to smoking. In fact, if he doesn’t get cigarettes, he gets angry and screams and batters his head against the wall. He tells me he feels dizzy and sick. Well, I really think that this 2-year old kid is really addicted in smoking cigarettes. With this early addiction to cigarettes, hopefully he would live longer. Good luck!