T.I. saves the day…again. When he’s not rapping, penning romance novels, or acting, the King of the South is helping save the lives of people in need like Creed frontman Scott Stapp.

Stapp shared a harrowing tale with VH1’s “Big Morning Buzz Live” about the time Tip prevented him from committing suicide. The rocker went on a binge at the Delano hotel in Miami and tried to climb over the balcony. He fell 40 feet and sustained injuries until his “guardian angel” T.I. showed up.

The “Live Your Life” rapper happened to walk into the last unoccupied room at the hotel and realized that Stapp needed help.

“He immediately took care of the situation and saved my life,”

said Stapp, who promises more details in his new memoir Sinner’s Creed.

“As I’m laying on the ledge, blood fell to [T.I.’s] feet and he looked up and he had an Alabama hat on and I said, ‘Roll tide,’” he recalled. “And then he looked at me and put two and two together and really saved my life.”

This isn’t the first time that T.I. has helped thwart a suicide attempt. In 2010, he talked an Atlanta man out of jumping off a ledge to his death.

“Nothing is that bad,” Tip reportedly said to the man to assuage his fears. “Nothing in life is worth taking your life. I’m here to help you. Please come down to talk to me.”