
Although we’re told over and over again that most women do not orgasm during sexual intercourse, the sense of feeling inferior to the women who report explosive “Ohs and Ahs” mid-coitus is all too familiar. Well here’s a little information that might stop us from thinking so negatively. A recent research study found that the G-spot–that little patch of pleasure that we’ve all been encouraged to find for years–might not even exist.

According to BBC a project published in the “Journal of Sexual Medicine”, which studied 1,800 women revealed that “the G spot may be a figment of women’s imagination, encouraged by magazines and sex therapist.”

Researchers chose pairs of identical and non-identical twins and asked them if they had a G-spot.

“If one did exist, it would be expected that both identical twins, who have the same genes, would report having one.”

“But this pattern did not emerge and the identical twins were no more likely to share a G-spot than non-identical twins who share only half of their genes,” the BBC article read.

Sexologist and G-spot advocate Beverly Whipple said the study was flawed, failing to recognize different “love-making techniques” and the “experiences of lesbian and bisexual women”

However, some sex experts have already suggested that many women do not have this G-spot inside of their vaginas and it is general knowledge that most (and maybe all) orgasms are reached through clitoral stimulation.

Admittedly it does seem odd that women would have two points within their sexual organs that deliver the big “O” when men only have one.

“This is by far the biggest study every carried out and shows fairly conclusively that the idea of the G-Spot is subjective,” Tim Spector, Co-author of the study, said.

While we’re sure this study will not be last word on the G-spot topic, it helps to battle the idea that there’s something wrong with us if we can’t have a vaginal orgasm. -Essence