(BOSSIP) Since Angelina Keys and Brad Beatz decided to put their love on parade, Bossip received a tip from an insider saying that Swizzy’s divorce from Mashonda is final, and has been for some time. But that’s not what Mashonda says. Pop the hood for details.

While Swizz has been hesitant to give a definitive answer on the divorce, Bossip was able to reach Mashonda, who says she and Mr. Infidelity are still legally wed:

“Unfortunately, my divorce is not final, the paperwork hasn’t been signed by the judge, and so therefore, we are still legally married,” Mashonda told Bossip exclusively. “Not that I’m proud of that, (this process has been hell on earth) but divorces take time.

As for Swizz’s recently released interview with DJ Enuff, where the producer claims he was unhappy with his wife for years Mashonda had this to say to Bossip:

“Our marriage and our family was never respected, nor has been a concern to the parties involved. Both of them have been extremely determine to disregard the fact that I am a human being with feelings, a mother, and the woman whom was there when this man was sick, down, and without money or fame. Amazing how people forget!”