It’s no secret that Halle Berry is now on market and is free to begin dating, but the real question is who will be Ms. Berry’s next piece of meat?
Well, the good folks over at TMZ ran into Terrell Owens as he was leaving the Warren-Tricomi Salon in Los Angeles yesterday and the football star made it clear that he wants a stab at Halle Berry:
“I hear Halle Berry’s single! I heard she’s on the market…”
Then the cameraman asked him to spit his best line for Berry, to which T.O. replied:
“Trust me, with a body like this, and a body like hers… I don’t need to spit no game. That’s just real talk!”
Wow, T.O. is pretty confident in himself. What do you guys think? Does Terrell Owens have a chance with Ms. Berry? Our opinion is hell to the nah.