During an interview earlier this year, Bow Wow said he had recruited Jadakiss to help him with his forthcoming project. Describing the New York rapper as being “on board,” he said that he chose Kiss because he “wanted somebody who was well respected in hip-hop to challenge [him].” But according to Kiss, they have only spoken briefly about working together on Bow’s upcoming LP and nothing is set is stone quite yet.

“I hollered at Bow, then he mentioned it on the red carpet of the Lottery Ticket premiere and I looked at the Internet bugging out,” said Jadakiss about him overseeing Bow Wow’s new album. “But we briefly talked about it over the phone, that’s just talks. If it’s the right situation and he needs me to do something, I’ll help him out.”

“It’s a business and there’s proper channels it has to go through in order to make it happen,” he continued. “If he wanna do it, we can do it, but right now, it’s just talks.”

The LP will be Bow’s first on Cash Money Records and is expected to be released next year. His Greenlight 3 mixtape, which is being hosted by DJ Ill Will and DJ Rockstar, will hit the web soon.