Superstar siblings Brandy and Ray J Norwood invite viewers into their lives in “Brandy and Ray J: A Family Business,” a new VH1 series that follows the musical family, including entertainment manager and mom, Sonja, and talented musical father, Willie, as they take their family business, Rn’B Productions, to the next level. Watch the family affair when it begins Sunday, April 11, at 9 p.m.

Chilli is in search of the perfect man and she’s set the bar high. According to “Chilli’s Checklist,” he must have eight-pack abs, a gorgeous face, has to be funny (like Marlon Wayans funny), has to love kids, has to be religious, can’t smoke, can’t drink, and can’t eat pork, just to name a few. Over the course of eight weeks, relationship expert Tionna Smalls will introduce the TLC member to hundreds of guys that hopefully fit the criteria. Find out “What Chilli Wants” during the VH1 series premiere on April 11 at 10:30 p.m.