AshleYYY releases the cover art and tracklisting for her latest EP and discusses the new album:
(Clears throat) …La La La La LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! 😀
Here it is guys – the covert art & tracklisting for my SINGER EP! What can you expect? GREAT R&B music 🙂 I am thrilled about these songs & how much I’ve grown! (Shout out to my vocal coach, QUEEN! – Hard work really does pay off! 😉
Not only did I have the best time writing & recording these songs, BUT I also had the privilege of collaborating with Mister JRE RILEY – Another amazing vocalist from Milwaukee!
As always, you will be able to relate to these songs. They will stir up some emotion, and/or bring back some memories! lol So get ready guys, you are in for a treat! Muah!
Again, I’ll be releasing a new EP (album) every month check out the details HERE.
~AshleYYY 🙂
Check out AshleYYY’s lead single So Beautiful below:
Photographer: Sophistiké Photography
MUA: Flawless Beauty by Nicole
Hair: Ziff Anthony
Styling: Dannie of Fashionable Addictions