It sounds like ish just got real. Last week, J. Cole threw a couple of subliminal darts at Diggy Simmons at a show in North Carolina during a stop on Kendrick Lamar’s BET Music Matters tour. Diggy Simmons didn’t take those darts at him too lightly because he’s strikes back with this new record “Fall Down,” which was premiered by The Breakfast Club this morning on Power 105.1.
“I guess I rattled you, snaggle tooth, you know better. Thought J. stand for Jermaine not Jetsetter. See me and shake my hand, coppin’ pleas in person. Now you act like less than a man, mentioning me in verses,” Diggy spits in his rebuttal. “You used to have dreams of my big sister kissing you, now you having nightmares of her little brother dissing you.” Hit the jump to get a full listen to “Fall Down.”